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LaMancha Reference Does
SGCH Velvet-Acres Lexus' Liana
1*M |
Purebred LaMancha |
03/28/02 |
+*B Velvet-Acres Mega Man |
S. Sire:
+*B Me's Ranch Touch Of Class |
S. Dam:
SGCH Lady-Bug Greystroke Omega 4*M |
Velvet-Acres Lexus |
D. Sire:
++*B SG Redwood Hills Emmett Viking |
D. Dam:
Rockin-CB Emilio's Rose Royce |
Linear Appraisal
8-03 92 EEEE
Show Placings
1 time Best Doe in Show
1 time Best Udder in Show
3 times Grand Champion
4 times Reserve Grand Champion
Alpha S1 Casein
8-01 168 1890 71 57
Liana is a true matriarch - always
producing daughters equal or better than herself. She is a stylish
LaMancha with exceptional attachment to her mammary and stands sound
on a correct set of feet and legs. One of the last Velvet Acres
LaManchas, we were thrilled when Debbie had a daughter of Leus for
us. This maternal line has consistently produced lovely does like GH
Liana, SGCH Jaguar Lady (EX91), CH Eclipse, Alexia and Rodeo.
At 9 years old and on her 9th lactation, Liana averaged just
under 1 and 1/2 gallons a day with 3% protein and 3.7% butterfat.
Liana has been retired for 2014.
Liana has five daughters in our herd
Tach About Me, Little Les Tach,
Tulsa Time and
LittleRedRodeo. She is also the dam of our bucks,
Luckenbach and
SGCH Velvet-Acres Lexus' Liana |
★ To Top ★
SG Rancho-Snowfall CowgirlDontCry (AI) 2*M |
Purebred LaMancha |
04/13/09 |
+*B SG Tempo Cassius |
S. Sire:
+B SGCH Tempo Yagudin |
S. Dam:
SGCH Windstar Notta Shy Anne 2*M 9-04 91 EEEE |
2X Top Ten Production |
SGCH Velvet-Acres Lexus' Liana 1*M
92 EEEE |
D. Sire:
*B Velvet-Acres Mega Man |
D. Dam:
CH Velvet-Acres Lexus |
Linear Appraisal
1-02 84 (+VE+)
Show Placings
5 times First Place
Elite Doe
July 2012
Alpha S1 Casein
197 2390
83 70
(In progress) |
Excelling in her depth of body and power, Cowgirl is exceptionally level on the move. Additionally, she possesses a beautiful head displaying correct breed type. On her second lactation, Cowgirl is averaging 1 and 1/2 gallons a day with 3% protein and 3.5% butterfat.
Cowgirl currently has two daughters in the herd:
Baby Blue and
Rancho-Snowfall Hello Darlin.
On May 29th, Cowgirl has joined
Small Acres Farm ,
where she will not only be the foundation of Sydney´s LaMancha herd, but also her new showmanship doe! Cowgirl will be bred AI to *B Kastdemur´s Scotch OnThe Rocks, a son of the 2005 National Champion SGCH Kastdemur's Slice 3*M. Contact Sydney to reserve your kid.
SG Rancho-Snowfall
CowgirlDontCry (AI) 2*M |
SG Rancho-Snowfall Tach About Me 2*M (AI) |
Purebred LaMancha |
06/07/10 |
Linear Appraisal |
2-0 86 VVVV (First Freshener) |
Show Placings |
1 time Grand Champion |
3 times Reserve Grand Champion |
6 times First Place |
A/A |
Tachie was a beautiful black and tan doe, with frost-tipped ears and nose, on a head that is both wedge-shaped and powerful. Tachie showed a huge
amount of body capacity for her age and she carried that width back
into her rump and down through to her hocks. The height and width of
her escutcheon line caught your eye from across the pen. Tachie had
the strength of feet and legs, with correct angulation and depth of heel.
Tachie had a beutiful fore udder, well extended and smoothly blended
into the body wall.
Tachie has 1 daughter in the herd,
Rancho-Snowfall Voss My Maria.
SG Rancho-Snowfall Tach About Me
To Top ★
Dr. James H.E. Haught, DVM ★ 2395
CR 142
Elizabeth, CO 80107 ★ 970-420-4133 ★
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