About Us

GCH Rancho-Snowfall Sams Flashett circa 1992
Herd History
Jamea' involvement in dairy goats began with the need to feed the extra beef calves on his family'a ranch in Southern Colorado. Shortly after purchasing his first goat, Wings, he was completely hooked! James continued to improve the herd, as his interest evolved from commercial animals to a 4-H project and eventually competitive ADGA open-show animals.
In 2005, after a 25-year endeavor Rose Snow, founder of the Rancho-Snowfall Herd entrusted James with their herd name. Over the years the Snow family was involved with goats on many different levels, from operating a commercial dairy to competing at local and national shows. They bred several highly influential animals including: GCH Rancho-Snowfall Sams Flashett, GCH Rancho-Snowfall Clear Crystal, and GCH Rancho-Snowfall Amanda Awrsome. We continue to strive to produce the high quality of animals that are synonymous with Rancho-Snowfall.
The Rancho-Snowfall Herd is currently located in NorthEast Colorado, near the town of Fort Collins, where James attenda the College of Veterinary Medicine at Colorado State University. Rancho-Snowfalls goal is to maintain a small and manageable herd of animals that is exceptionally healthy, highly productive and of extreme genetic quality.

James and Dream
photography by Sean McDermid
Dr. James H.E. Haught, DVM
James grew up on a working cattle ranch in Del Norte, Colorado as the fouth generation cattlemen. He was very active in the 4-H youth program raising rabbit, sheep, and beef projects. But it was his diary goat projects that he enjoyed the most. Through James´s hard work and dedication, what started as a creative solution to feeding bottle calves on the ranch, eventually grew into the Rancho-Snowfal Dairy Goat herd of today.
As a Senior in High School, James was awarded guaranteed admission into Colorado State Universitys College of Veterinary Medicine, upon his completion of the undergraduate degree of his choosing. Later that Fall, James moved to Fort Collins and began his Bachelors in Animal Science. While in Fort Collins, James was active in CSUs Dairy Judging Team, Alpha Gamma Rho, American Association of Small Ruminate Practitioners, Bovine Practitioners, and worked as a Food Animal Veterinary Technician at the Vet School. Initially during this time, the goat herd was on lease to a commercial dairy from James hometown, but eventually the animals were also moved up to Fort Collins.
Although his schedule is often packed
with school and farm responsibilities, James enjoys offering free
help and mentorship to local dairy goat youth and their families. He
is very grateful for the assistance he received when starting out in
the goat world and aspires to pass on this kindness. In the Spring
of 2012, James graduated with a Doctorate in Veterinary Medicine
from Colorado State. Currently he is working as a mixed animal
veterinarian at Animal Urgent Care in Arvada, CO.
James also is a member of the All-American and Awards Committees in the American LaMancha Club
and serves on the Board of Directors for the Alpines International Breed Club and National Saanen Breeders Association.
Thank You
I would like to express our deepest
gratitude to Rose and Leon Snow for their contribution to the dairy
goat industry. The lovely animals that came from their breeding
program and their willingness to share knowledge has been very
influential to my herd.
I( also owe a debt of gratitude to the amazing group of people
I have known in the goat community. Keeping my herd while in school has not always been easy; many times it's a downright challenge. Yet
my commitment to these beautiful creatures and the support I have received from
my goat friends has always seen me through. Igreatly appreciate everyone who has helped
me along the way!
updated 12/18/2017